The Environment

Sourcing sustainably
We are conscious that everything we do has an impact on the environment and people. Our cocoa is purchased through the Cocoa Horizon scheme, that looks to improve the livelihoods of cocoa farmers and their communities. Through the promotion of sustainable, entrepreneurial farming, improved productivity, and community development, which protect nature and children.

Plant seagrass project
We like to do things differently, while other brands often fund ‘plant a tree’ projects, (often with question marks on tree diversity) we invest in sea grass restoration projects donating 5% of every purchase to planting seagrass meadows.
Why seagrass?
Well, seagrass captures carbon up to 35 times faster than tropical rainforests and, even though it only covers 0.2% of the seafloor, it absorbs 10% of the ocean’s carbon each year.
Seagrass is also vital for marine life, which depends on the meadows for food and shelter. A 10,000m2 area can support 80,000 fish and over a million invertebrates. Unfortunately in the UK, up to 92 percent of our seagrass has disappeared in the last century, so these projects need our support (source WWF).

When it comes to packaging we have two principles. That the material used is sustainable and biodegradable. That the packaging fits the product; we hate seeing items packed in oversized boxes…such a waste.
Our cartons are made from 100% Forest Steward Council (FSC) certified cardboard. In short this means the paper used comes from forests that meet high environmental standards. This includes fair treatment of the forestry workers and investment by the owning companies in the long term future of the forests.
We use wood pulp bags for our small chocolate packs, as an alternative to polypropylene which is sustainable and biodegradable.

Renewable electricity
Currently 40% of energy used in the UK is from renewable (source 2022), lets get this number up. Our premises, or Kakoa HQ (as we like to a call it!), is powered by renewable energy. Although the energy comes at a higher price, we feel it is well worth it.